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Make World Of Warcraft Gold With Add-ons

World of Warcraft is a very popular online role playing game loved by people all over the world. There are millions of users around the world on a daily basis. As a role playing game, it requires you to collect as many WOW gold as you can so that you can afford the items and weapons you need. In order to compete against the competitors, you should equip your character with good weapons.

There are various tips and tricks you can apply to make gold and get power. Some basic methods of making gold are farming, crafting and offering service to other people in the game. Another good way to make WOW gold is by using add-ons which can show you the best place to earn gold. I want to talk about the methods to make gold in WOW by add-ons.

There are a lot of add-ons you can use. Some of them are permitted by Blizzard while some of them are not permitted. You should use the add-ons that are permitted by Blizzard. If you are using illegal add-ons, your WOW account will be banned.

Gatherer: this add-on will track gathering based notes and put the icon on your map. You can know where to gather materials from the map directly. This will save a lot of time when you are finding a place to gather materials. With the help of this add-on, players can easily make some gold in WOW.


Auctioneer: Auction house is a good place to make a lot of money within a short time. However, players have many things to learn. With the help of the Auctioneer, players can get the data of the auction house directly. This add-on will help players to maximize the returns in the auction house sales.

It is smart to use add-ons to make WOW money. There is no need to run the risk of buying cheap WOW gold. Once your WOW account is hacked, no more WOW for you.


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