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Utilizing Your Skills Effectively in World of Warcraft

For World of Warcraft, there are various skills for players to chosen, such as fishing, mining and cooking etc. How dose utilize your skills effectively in World of Warcraft? We think it is an important questions for each WoW players. In matter of fact, conserving your mana and using your skills in the most effective manner is key to winning any PvP battle and combats.

Hunter is a class in World of Warcraft. Usually, players can use Hunter’s skills are instant, meaning you can use them on the move. Jumping and turning around to use a skill is very popular and very effective among Hunters. Despite the fact that you have to be standing still to use your Auto Shot, blasting an opponent with Serpent Sting and Concussive Shot can give you the needed advantage. If you are a hunter, we advise you to try yourself learning more skills, so that you can use Hunter’s skills as much as possible. Concussive Shot is much more useful in PvP than PvE, especially when fighting a primarily melee character. Serpent Sting is devastating against classes with low HP, I can't count how many times a Rogue or Mage has run away from me only to meet their maker at the hands of Serpent Sting. Rapid Fire is very effective also if your opponent decides to concentrate on your pet or is affected by Concussive Shot. Remember, and I can't stress this enough, jumping and turning around to use an ability is one of the most effective techniques Hunters have. Once you get the hang of it, you can even jump, turn around, use ability, and turn back around to continue running! The easiest way of doing this is to hold the right mouse button to turn quickly, as using the keyboard is much too slow. As old WoW player, you must know the important to move character quickly because of it can help you acquire rewards including WoW gold bag, items and equipments as soon as possible.


Some Hunters also have a habit of "spamming" shots, or using abilities when they aren't needed. I often see Hunters using Concussive Shot and Serpent Sting when either it's already in effect, or it's simply not needed. The only ability you should be using constantly is Arcane Shot, as it does damage. Concussive shot is useful for slowing your opponent, and Serpent Sting should be kept on the target constantly, but it lasts 15 seconds, so you don't need to use it everytime it's available! Rather, reapply it only when needed.






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